The European Union summary report on surveillance for the presence of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) in 2023
Published: 28 November 2024
Adopted: 29 October 2024
KEYWORDS atypical, BSE, classical, CWD, scrapie, surveillance, TSE
This report presents the results of surveillance on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in cattle, sheep, goats, cervids and other species, and genotyping in sheep and goats, carried out in 2023 by 27 Member States (MS, EU27), the United Kingdom (in respect of Northern Ireland, (XI)) and other eight non‐EU reporting countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland (the data reported by Switzerland include those of Liechtenstein) and Türkiye. In total, 948,165 cattle were tested by EU27 and XI (−3%, compared with 2022), with five atypical BSE cases reported (four H‐type: two in Spain, one in France and one in Ireland; one L‐type in the Netherlands); and 46,096 cattle by eight non‐EU reporting countries with two atypical BSE cases reported by Switzerland. Three additional atypical BSE cases were reported by UK (1), USA (1) and Brazil (1). In total, 284,686 sheep and 102,646 goats were tested in the EU27 and XI (−3.5% and −5.9%, respectively, compared to 2022). In the other non‐EU reporting countries 26,047 sheep and 589 goats were tested. In sheep, 538 cases of scrapie were reported by 14 MS and XI: 462 classical scrapie (CS) by 4 MS (104 index cases (IC) with genotypes of susceptible groups in 93.4% of the cases), 76 atypical scrapie (AS) (76 IC) by 12 MS. In the other non‐EU reporting countries, Iceland reported 70 cases of CS while Norway reported 7 cases of ovine AS. Ovine random genotyping was reported by six MS and genotypes of susceptible groups accounted for 6.9%. In goats, 183 cases of scrapie were reported, all from EU MS: 176 CS (47 IC) by seven MS and 7 AS (7 IC) by five MS. Three cases in Cyprus and one in Spain were reported in goats carrying heterozygous alleles at codon 146 and 222, respectively. In total, 2096 cervids were tested for chronic wasting disease by ten MS, none tested positive. Norway tested 14,224 cervids with one European moose positive.
© European Food Safety Authority
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The European Union summary report on surveillance for the presence of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) in 2022
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)
First published: 28 November 2023
Approved: 19 October 2023 Abstract
This report presents the results of surveillance on transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) in cattle, sheep, goats, cervids and other species, and genotyping in sheep and goats, carried out in 2022 by 27 Member States (MS, EU27), the United Kingdom (in respect of Northern Ireland [XI]) and other eight non-EU reporting countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iceland, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Türkiye. In total, 977,008 cattle were tested by EU27 and XI (−4.3%, compared with 2021), and 52,395 cattle by eight non-EU reporting countries, with one case of H-BSE in France. In total, 295,145 sheep and 109,074 goats were tested in the EU27 and XI (−5.2% and −7.9%, respectively, compared to 2021). In the other non-EU reporting countries, 25,535 sheep and 633 goats were tested. In sheep, 557 cases of scrapie were reported by 17 MS and XI: 480 classical scrapie (CS) by five MS (93 index cases [IC] with genotypes of susceptible groups in 97.6% of the cases), 77 atypical scrapie (AS) (76 IC) by 14 MS and XI. In the other non-EU reporting countries, Norway reported 16 cases of ovine AS. Ovine random genotyping was reported by eight MS and genotypes of susceptible groups accounted for 7.3%. In goats, 224 cases of scrapie were reported, all from EU MS: 216 CS (42 IC) by six MS, and 8 AS (8 IC) by four MS. In Cyprus, two cases of CS were reported in goats carrying the heterozygous DN146 allele. In total, 3202 cervids were tested for chronic wasting disease by 10 MS. One wild European moose tested positive in Finland. Norway tested 17,583 cervids with two European moose, one reindeer and one red deer positive. In total, 154 animals from four other species tested negative in Finland.
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
USDA Announces Atypical Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy Detection
Published: May 19, 2023 Print
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is announcing an atypical case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), a neurologic disease of cattle, in an approximately five-year-old or older beef cow at a slaughter plant in South Carolina. This animal never entered slaughter channels and at no time presented a risk to the food supply or to human health in the United States. Given the United States’ negligible risk status for BSE, we do not expect any trade impacts as a result of this finding.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service’s (APHIS) National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL) confirmed that this cow was positive for atypical L-type BSE. The animal was tested as part of APHIS’s routine surveillance of cattle that are deemed unsuitable for slaughter. The radio frequency identification tag present on the animal is associated with a herd in Tennessee. APHIS and veterinary officials in South Carolina and Tennessee are gathering more information during this ongoing investigation.
Atypical BSE generally occurs in older cattle and seems to arise rarely and spontaneously in all cattle populations.
This is the nation’s 7th detection of BSE. Of the six previous U.S. cases, the first, in 2003, was a case of classical BSE in a cow imported from Canada; the rest have been atypical (H- or L-type) BSE.
The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) recognizes the United States as negligible risk for BSE. As noted in the WOAH guidelines for determining this status, atypical BSE cases do not impact official BSE risk status recognition as this form of the disease is believed to occur spontaneously in all cattle populations at a very low rate. Therefore, this finding of an atypical case will not change the negligible risk status of the United States, and should not lead to any trade issues.
The United States has a longstanding system of interlocking safeguards against BSE that protects public and animal health in the United States, the most important of which is the removal of specified risk materials - or the parts of an animal that would contain BSE should an animal have the disease - from all animals presented for slaughter. The second safeguard is a strong feed ban that protects cattle from the disease. Another important component of our system - which led to this detection - is our ongoing BSE surveillance program that allows USDA to detect the disease if it exists at very low levels in the U.S. cattle population.
More information about this disease is available in the BSE factsheet.
***> WAHIS, WOAH, OIE, United States of America Bovine spongiform encephalopathy Immediate notification
Tennessee State Veterinarian Alerts Cattle Owners to Disease Detection Mad Cow atypical L-Type BSE
Friday, May 19, 2023 | 04:12pm NASHVILLE — The Tennessee State Veterinarian is confirming a case of atypical bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in a cow with ties to Tennessee.
The cow appeared unwell after arriving at a packing company in South Carolina. In alignment with the United States Department of Agriculture’s BSE surveillance program, the animal was isolated and euthanized. It did not enter the food supply. Preliminary investigation has determined the cow originated in southeast Tennessee.
“We are working closely with our federal partners and animal health officials in South Carolina for this response,” State Veterinarian Dr. Samantha Beaty said. “That includes determining prior owners and locations where the affected cow lived in Tennessee and tracing siblings and offspring for testing.”
BSE is a chronic degenerative disease affecting the central nervous system of cattle. It is caused by an abnormal prion protein. The atypical form occurs spontaneously at very low levels in all cattle populations, particularly in older animals. Atypical BSE poses no known risk to human health. It is different from the classical form of BSE, which has not been detected in the U.S. since 2003.
BSE is not contagious and therefore is not spread through contact between cattle or with other species. There is no treatment for or vaccine to prevent BSE. The U.S. has a strong surveillance program in place for early detection and to prevent suspect cattle from entering the food supply chain.
Cattle owners are always advised to monitor their herds for health. Cattle affected by BSE may display changes in temperament, abnormal posture, poor coordination, decreased milk production, or loss of condition without noticeable loss of appetite. Owners should report any herd health concerns to their veterinarian or to the State Veterinarian’s office at 615-837-5120.
The Tennessee Department of Agriculture Animal Health Division is responsible for promoting animal health in Tennessee. The State Veterinarian’s office seeks to prevent the spread of disease through import and movement requirements, livestock traceability, disaster mitigation, and the services of the C.E. Kord Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory. The division collaborates with other health-related stakeholders, academic institutions, and extension services to support One Health, an initiative to improve health for people and animals.
SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023
***> Tennessee State Veterinarian Alerts Cattle Owners to Disease Detection Mad Cow atypical L-Type BSE
2 weeks before the announcement of this recent mad cow case in the USA, i submitted this to the APHIS et al;
***> APPRX. 2 weeks before the recent mad cow case was confirmed in the USA, in Tennessee, atypical L-Type BSE, I submitted this to the APHIS et al;
Document APHIS-2023-0027-0001 BSE Singeltary Comment Submission May 2, 2023
''said 'burden' cost, will be a heavy burden to bear, if we fail with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE TSE Prion disease, that is why this information collection is so critical''...
Evidence That Transmissible Mink Encephalopathy Results from Feeding Infected Cattle Over the next 8-10 weeks, approximately 40% of all the adult mink on the farm died from TME.
The rancher was a ''dead stock'' feeder using mostly (>95%) downer or dead dairy cattle...
USDA's BSE surveillance program samples approximately 25,000 animals each year and targets cattle populations where the disease is most likely to be found.
Terry S. Singeltary Sr.